In the late 1960’s Holy Ghost filled tent revivals took place on this very parcel of ground. Revivals filled with prayer, salvation, rededication, healings, miracles; all kinds of gifts of the Spirit.
The tent revivals ceased when this building was moved here from south of Broaddus, where it had been a skating rink.
Since that move, this building has been many things;
a store,
a pool hall,
an auction house;
but mostly it has been empty.
In 1998, a woman named Alicia felt God leading her to open a Christian school and daycare. Together with her husband, Skipper, they renovated and built many of the rooms, leaving the back half (the sanctuary) untouched. Alicia believed that space was to be a church.
The first service was held on October 10, 1999
At about this same time, God was doing a work in Pastor Tim and gave him a vision of a church; a church that was filled with those desiring to worship and praise God, to hear His Word, and to be a part of an active church of Jesus in love, word, and deed. In this vision he saw a church built of white boards. He realized that the church was to be located in this building.
The school and daycare eventually had to close and many people offered to purchase this place.
But in her heart she knew what God wanted it to be and in April of 1999 she called Pastor and offered it to him.
Cross Roads Christian Center was born and is a non-denominational fellowship of believers.
The first service was held on October 10, 1999, and there are a few that came that first year that are still worshipping at Crossroads today.
Everyone that has come here and stayed has felt the leading of God to be here. That’s the way it should be. You should be here because God wants you here.
Why has another church sprung up?
We believe that this ground was consecrated for God’s use, years ago during those Holy Ghost revivals.
May His will be done.
What about church membership?
While we have no problem with others that practice it, we don’t believe in a church roll, trading letters, etc.
These things cannot keep you in church or His service.
What we do believe in is
your personal relationship with Jesus
and then your commitment to join us in worship,
and the spreading of the Gospel through the Lord’s work.
So if you want to be a part of CrossRoads, make your salvation and commitment to join with us known.
God bless you as you worship and praise the name of Jesus with us.